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As you know, “fake” means “unreal, counterfeit”. On the web, this word is used for unreal accounts on social networks. In most cases, such pages are created for inflating subscribers and likes, sending out advertising messages and malicious software, trolling, or just for staying anonymous. Read our tips on Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, and Insta fake check, and you will never get scammed.
How to check if Instagram account is fake? How to make sure that a page on Twitter or Facebook belongs to a real person, not a scammer? How to figure out unreal profiles? In this article, we will discuss the key signs, which you can use to detect unreal users on varied social networks. Wow. Am I really can Insta fake check?
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Facebook or Instagram account fake check: analyze photos
Pay attention to all the details. First, focus on dates. If a user is real, all his photos are uploaded on different days. If you create, for example, a profile on Instagram, you are unlikely to download all your photos in one day. You will probably add new photos every day, or every other day, or once a week. Besides, all your photos will have different quality. And some of them may be not so beautiful.
Besides publication dates, pay attention to the number of images. As a rule, fake accounts have a few photos with the same location only. Sure, there are scammers that put more effort and add photos with different geolocations. Still, in most cases, they publish all of them on the same date.
You have probably seen hundreds of pages with celebrities’ photos. That is a well-known trick. But, today, advanced scammers do not use such foolish things, instead, they download photos belonging to real users from various social networks and messengers. Still, you can easily find out whether an avatar is real – use a search by image on Google or Yandex.
How to check fake Instagram accounts or Facebook pages basing on friends and subscribers?
As we have already noted, people often create unreal pages to send out advertisements. And, for such purposes, they need to have many friends and subscribers. Insta fake check right now!
For that, they send friend requests to an immense number of users, join varied communities, use services for inflating statistics and subscribers.
To check if an Instagram account is fake, have a closer look at a list of friends. If there is a huge number of people who are not connected with each other in any way, that looks suspicious. For example, they may differ in age and social position and come from many different cities. Sure, that rule will work for profiles on any other social platforms as well.
One more method is to look through a timeline. For example, if there are no active discussions or all the posts are published on the same date, it is not real.
Fake account check Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter: posting details
If a page is not real, you will never see there any personal posts, videos, or comments that are properly thought out. A timeline will be filled with accidental reposts and other rubbish. A real user would never treat his account in such a way, he would regularly remove unnecessary posts, would leave thoughtful comments, and would share personal photos and videos from time to time.
Check fake account Instagram and other platforms: suspicious nicknames
In most cases, ordinary users give preference to their real first names and last names. And, unreal users choose eye-catching and marketing nicknames mainly. For example, cute_as_ducks or StylishBags. Certainly, a real user may also invent an unconventional nickname. But those are rare cases.
Such fake pages do not always bear suspicious nicknames. Many of them copy real ones, so they bear names belonging to real people and include some part of real content about them as well. Still, to avoid duplicating, scammers often change, remove, or add a couple of letters in a name.
No doubt, fraudsters often use celebrities’ names. It looks like they believe that an unexpected message or friend request from Donald Trump or Justin Bieber will arise no suspicion.
Fake account check Instagram, Twitter, Vkontakte, or Facebook: personal information
When you perform a fake account Twitter check, see whether there is any personal information about education, place of residence, interests, relatives. Almost every real person has at least minimal information about himself in his profile.
Also, sometimes, scammers may fill in profiles but use untruthful information. For example, they may write that they live in some extremely popular city like New York or Paris, study at a prestigious university such as Harvard University or run a huge business, and, certainly, live in a luxurious apartment. And, in the end, this super privileged person offers you to buy herbal dietary supplements for treating all the existing diseases for $5 or to register at an online casino. That’s a pretty strange business for such a king of the hill, don’t you think so?
The conclusion:
All the signs mentioned above will definitely help you avoid scammers and fraudsters. Still, keep in mind that there are also ordinary users that find nothing better to do than to spam their timelines with a huge number of reposts and ridiculous images so that it is almost impossible to figure out whether they are real.