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The brainchild of Hammer & Chisel – free messenger Discord is extremely popular among gamers. Program with support for VoIP, the ability to conduct video conferencing, exchange voice and text messages, create customizable settings, use the top bots for Discord, and all this for free. Not surprisingly, Discord has easily overtaken the outdated TeamSpeak and Ventrilo programs. Each month, the application has over 56 million users.
You can adjust the settings in Discord endlessly, so you can constantly improve the personal experience and the experience of your server members. How to do it as efficiently as possible? The best bots for Discord rush to the rescue! With them you will not only solve a lot of priority tasks, but also be able to diversify the application using unusual “gimmicks”.
By the way, when registering in an application or game is no longer necessary to specify a real phone number, for a minimal fee you can use a virtual mobile number. With it, you hide your real data from prying eyes, save nerves from spam. And also with a virtual number you can register in social networks, receive sms from anywhere in the world and do batch sms-mailing.
Top bots for Discord: let’s meet
The list contains the top bots for Discord, choose from them one or more helpers and use for your programs with pleasure:
Dyno Bot.
Usually it is this bot that users add to themselves, due to its maximum usefulness. The program has a handy toolbar that allows you to control various functions, such as automatic moderation. You will be able to control the ban, disable spamming, or remove the sound of messages. Autopartner Diskord bot is useful for announcements that can be adjusted for certain actions: for example, participants leaving the server or joining a game. Cleverbot integration, here is another bonus from Dyno Bot, which can be used to stream music from YT, track Google search results and analyze game statistics.
Typo Bot.
Incredibly handy development, one of the best Discord bots for games. With his help, you can moderate the game: to ban, give ads. Also, it can be used for music streaming from YouTube.
Game Statistics.
GameStats offers statistics from your personal player account in many games: PUBG, Rainbow Six Siege, World of Warcraft and many others. If you plan to brag about your achievements in one of the games, statistics can be shared with friends, tell about the victories. The best bots for Discord in Russian take time to get used to, but after mastering them, you’ll be thinking, “How did I live without them before?” To add a profile, enter “.gs profile”, and to add a specific game, enter “.gs add Uplay”.
It is often used by Twitch streamers for their own purposes. It significantly expands the server settings by adding moderation commands, notifications and other useful “chips”. The channel user can earn experience points and level up. A special panel helps you change the bot’s settings on the fly to your liking. Keep track of network events while staying in the app.
The best bots for the Discord server is impossible to imagine without TriviaBot. It is praised not only by gamers, but also by ordinary users. If you love various trivia, this bot will be a perfect find. The multiplayer mode is represented by a mass of categories with thousands of questions. TriviaBot is easy to use. Commands consist of “starting trivia” and “trivia categories”.
Guilded Bot.
The Best Discord Bots hit parade is impossible to imagine without it, perfect for all social players. If you like collective games with friends, the bot will find them. You can use the various commands to schedule yourself, post updates, recruit players to a guild and set up discussion functions. Can be used in the games World of Warcraft, League of Legends, CSGO, Fortnite and Call of Duty.
Pokecord Bot.
Among the top bots for Discord server stand out this program, which allows you to play Pokémon directly on the Discord server. Pokémon will periodically appear on the server and whoever catches theirs first will become their master. There are real Pokémon battles, after winning which the pet will become even stronger. This is now the most popular bot, which has been downloaded over 750,000 times.
Closes the top of the best bots for Discord development, similar to Siri version of the Discord bot. There are not many commands, but they can be activated by voice. You can use the commands as you play, even without minimizing the field. Activate the bot with the greeting “Hello, whey,” and then say the desired command.

Dadosha is author of articles about SMS verification process and virtual phone numbers of the SMS-man blog