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Watching quality content in 2021 involves a significant financial outlay. But sometimes, as with Sweet TV, you can watch even the highest quality media productions online for free. Yes, yes, we are talking about your favorite movies, TV series and sports broadcasts.
Before reading further, visit At this address there is a very useful service for the sale and lease of virtual numbers. With its help you can make any number of new accounts on popular Internet sites inexpensively and without using your real phone number. Including Sweet TV. Why do I need it? Finish the article and find out how to watch movies and TV shows on your favorite service with “SMS-man” for free!
Sweet TV watch for free
To watch Sweet TV online for free, you need to use one of the ways:
- Subscribe and take advantage of the free trial period;
- Use a promotional offer or a promo code for free viewing.
With the first option, you can familiarize yourself with the content and functionality of the service before deciding to switch to a paid subscription. At the moment, Sweet TV is free to watch for seven days. In addition, sometimes the service extends this opportunity for another week.
The second way involves a longer trial period. With it, you can watch Sweet TV for free for up to three months!
Sweet TV watch free online from any device
Sign up for a trial subscription and watch on platfrom for free live on any digital device! To make your task easier, here are instructions for using various gadgets together with the service:
- Sweet TV watch for free from your computer:
- On the official site of the service, create an account. You will need to link your phone number. Or go to the last section of the article, in which we share the secret of a long time free viewing Sweet TV without using your phone number. Using the “SMS-man” service;
- Activate the option “7 days for free”;
- Bind the means of payment (bank card). After expiration of the trial period it will be charged a monthly fee in advance;
- proceed to watching your favorite movies and TV series;
- watch for free on smart TV:
- Register an account with the service (any way you want) and connect for a free trial period;
- you will need to download Sweet TV for free from the app store;
- launch the installed application and log in to your account through it;
- Enjoy content in high quality;
- Watch for free from your smartphone:
- first of all you need to download Sweet TV app on Android for free;
- log in to your pre-created account through the installed app;
- then just choose the content you are interested in.
Lifehack: Sweet TV watch for free with “SMS-man”
The method is based on using multiple accounts created using virtual numbers. When your free trial period in the service has come to an end, just create a new account and link a different payment method. And you’ll be able to watch service online for free for as long as you want.
Here are the instructions on how to create an account using the virtual number service:
- Go to;
- Complete a simple registration in a couple of clicks; sms man registration
- Top up your balance in the system. The cost of creating a full-fledged account is only 0.16 $!
- Choose the country of your phone operator and the service itself from the list of available (by the way, there are many other Internet sites, try them too);
- Copy the received phone number and use it when registering a new profile at Sweet TV;
- You will receive a verification code in your “SMS-man” account. Use it to activate your account and start watching your favorite movies and TV shows right away!
Do not rush to give your money for untested content! Instead of buying a “cat in a poke”, use our tips and you won’t have to limit your budget for more important purchases. Thanks for your attention and have a great day!

Dadosha is author of articles about SMS verification process and virtual phone numbers of the SMS-man blog