VK forgot your password or login: a detailed guide
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What to do if you lost your Vkontakte login or your VK password forgot?

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You probably got in the situations when VK forgot your password or login, didn’t you? And, in some cases, you may fail to restore them or may not know how to do that. I am a spectacular example of such a forgetful person. In the past, I used to search for useful and easy-to-understand information about how to cope with that. So, today, I am going to describe the most effective methods to you.

What if I forgot my VK account password but remember my login?

Go to the website vk.com or open the application. Type your login in the line “Phone or email” in the “Sign in” form. Click on the link “Forgot your password?”. It is located at the bottom.

What to do if I forgot my VK account password

You will see the window “Restore”. There, you need to type your login again and press “Next”. Then, you will see a window, where you will need to confirm that you are not a robot. Next, you will be asked to provide certain data about yourself, which you have specified in your profile before. For example, your last name.

How to recover vk account password

Provide all the data requested by the service.

When you enter all the information needed correctly, you will see the window with your profile. Confirm that the page shown belongs to you. You will receive a verification code to the email address or mobile number linked to your Vkontakte account within 1 minute. You will need to enter it in the form. When you get access to your page, you will be redirected to the Settings section. There, you need to create and type a new password. Be sure to invent a complicated combination so that your page cannot be hacked. That’s all, the VK password recovery procedure is completed.

What if I forgot my VK password and login?

First of all, I want to highlight, as a rule, your Vkontakte login is either your phone number or your email address. So, if you do not remember your old mobile number, to which your page is linked, just try to ask your friends, relatives, or acquaintances. In the case of the email address, the scheme is the same. Think to whom you sent letters in the past and ask them to check their inboxes. There is a good chance that one of your friends or acquaintances will help you and send you the link. Then, the problem will be solved.

But it may happen that you will not manage to find out your login.

Then, there is another method to try.

You need to find your Vkontakte profile on the Web and copy the link to it. Or you can just ask one of your VK friends to do that and send it to you. Then, enter it in the “Restore” form and click on “Next”.

VK password recovery with a profile URL

If none of the methods described above worked, there is one more solution available.

What if I forgot my VK password and login and cannot restore them on my own?

You can also write to the support team of the social network and ask them to give you the login. But, if you want them to send any information about your account, you will need to prove that the page belongs to you in the first place.

I hope my guide on how to recover VK account password and login was useful for you and you have managed to restore access to your page. Also, if you do not want to get in similar situations in the future, buy a special notebook and write such information down there.

And let me give you one more handy piece of advice. If you did not manage to restore access to your page with any of the methods mentioned above, you can always create a new one. And you do not even need to buy a new SIM card for that. On our website, you can buy a virtual number for registration on Vkontakte for $0,11 only. Read more about that in our article “Virtual numbers to receive SMS VK“.

What to do if you lost your Vkontakte login or your VK password forgot?
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What to do if you lost your Vkontakte login or your VK password forgot?
You probably got in the situations when VK forgot your password or login, didn't you? And, in some cases, you may fail to restore them or may not know how to do that. I am a spectacular example of such a forgetful person. In the past, I used to search for useful and easy-to-understand information about how to cope with that. So, today, I am going to describe the most effective methods to you.
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