SMS-Man Android app: features and usage - SMS-Man Blog
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SMS-Man Android app: features and usage

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Hello, dear users of SMS-Man! Android is the most popular operating system in the world, so there are more than 3 billion users of Android. SMS-Man had to obtain them. That’s why we made a special Android app. For those who want to use all functions of SMS-Man directly on the phone.

How to install the app?

It is very easy to install our Android app. There are no difficult ways with APK and something else. All you need is only to download our application from Google Play Market. Here is the link.

How to log in to the app?

Logging in is the main difficulty in using our application. To perform login to our app you need to use the API key. API-key — special parameter of an account that every user has in the account. Go to the tab “Profile” and find the API key there.

After that, copy it and enter it in the edit text field on the login page in the app. Click Sign in and start using the app!log in android app

How to buy a number?

We made the procedure of buying the number in such a way that the user spends minimum time and actions to buy the number. To initiate buying procedure, click “Buy number” in the main menu.

After that, you’ll be redirected to the “Choose service” page. Choose the needed service by clicking it and you’ll be redirected forward.

Now on the “Choose a country” page choose the needed country of phone number by clicking it. You will be redirected to the “Buy number” page.

There you can double-check if your choice is correct and click desired button “Buy number”. The app will show the number below the country/service block. The price of SMS will be shown between country and service pictures.

As soon as you get the number, the buttons “Get SMS” and “Reject” will be shown. These buttons allow you to get SMS and reject numbers if you need them. buy number android app

How to get SMS?

The hardest and the easiest point of our guide is the SMS receiving moment. I will just give you some recommendations about how to receive SMS in the SMS-Man app.

  1. Use VPN. According to SMS-Man statistics, the main failure of users is disregarding VPN. Using the same country with the phone number country will raise the chance of success.
  2. Use popular countries. It is very hard to receive an SMS on, for example, Timor Leste’s number. Use USA, UK, Germany, and Netherlands numbers, not very rare countries. If needed, you can ask our support team about the most suitable countries for each service.
  3. Wait for SMS for 10-15 minutes. Some users think that SMS must come immediately. Due to the specifics of SMS verification, it is impossible. 

Following these simple rules will help you successfully receive SMS in most cases. Use SMS-Man and be anonymous!

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