Viber messenger is known for the fact that spam is constantly sent to it. Probably, every user of this purple application has come annoying messages. This spam is incredibly annoying, because it comes at the most inopportune moment and often ignores even the set silent mode.
The funny thing is where this spam comes from. If you carefully study the user agreement, it will turn out that you yourself have agreed to receive advertising messages. That is why they often come immediately after installing the messenger. And spam mailing is one of the ways Viber makes money.
Fortunately, it is not difficult to get rid of spam in Viber.
Disabling spam messages in Viber
To stop receiving these spam messages once and for all, open the application settings. They are located under the “More” button. Click it, and then follow the instructions:
- Select the”Settings” item;
- Go to the “Calls and Messages” section;
- Turn off the “Receive service messages” switch.
After that, you can download the application from memory and re-launch it – or simply restart your smartphone or tablet.
Many users are afraid that by disabling service messages, they may miss some important news from Viber. Don’t be afraid. If suddenly this messenger changes its usage policy, suddenly becomes paid (that is, even more paid than right now) , or suddenly stops working in Russia or around the world, you will know about it.
This method works on all devices-Android, Apple, smartphones, and tablets. If you have the same account on several devices (for example, a smartphone and a computer), spam mailings will stop coming to all of them.
The second level of protection against spam is spam messages in Viber
When you register in the Viber messenger, you transfer your phone number and a huge amount of personal information to the application developer company. Many people create a profile under their real name and surnames, and even attach a real photo to it. And no one guarantees that the Viber database will not be hacked – or it will not be used for any incorrect purposes.
Therefore, if for some reason it was necessary to register in Viber – there is a working correspondence, a parent chat of a group of kindergarten students or a school class was opened – then it is better to use not your real phone number. This will additionally protect you from spam, advertising mailings and other scammers.
And you can get an additional virtual phone number on our website. It costs only 13 cents (even cheaper than a cup of coffee from the vending machine before entering the office) and gives 100% protection from spam. No one – neither Viber, nor third parties, nor scammers-will know your real data.
After registering via the virtual phone number received on our website, be sure to go to the messenger settings and disable receiving service messages. And now, if any notification comes from Viber, it will definitely be important and necessary to read. No sales, store liquidations and guaranteed payments to all Russians for filling out a simple questionnaire.