Create iTunes Account without a Phone Number - SMS-Man Blog
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How to Create iTunes Account without a Phone Number?

Create iTunes Account without a Phone Number

Though iTunes was discontinued in 2019 in favor of Apple Music since macOS Catalina, it still is a very demanded media content manager used by millions of people globally. Is it obligatory to enter a personal phone number for iTunes account verification?

Hint: no, it’s not. But how can you do without that? Let’s look at it in today’s blog post as well as reminiscing about some prominent features of the app.

What is iTunes

What is iTunes?

Searching for an answer to “What is iTunes?”, we cannot fail to mention that it has become the revolutionizing app that changed the way people consume music.

The app started in 2001 as a music player with the sleek and simplified user experience in response to “too complex and difficult to learn” music apps of that time. And, over time, it evolved into a full-fledged content management platform with expanded functionality.

What is iTunes if we look back to history? First, it provided people with a convenient way to rip CDs and transfer songs to the iPod, which was released a year after the app. It was a regular thing in the 1990s and early 2000s to rip CDs, put music on a computer, create playlists and then burn them to CDs to listen to on the go or in the car. And with iTunes and the iPod, people now were able to carry their music library with them.

Later, Apple launched the iTunes Music Store, and since then, iTunes account holders started buying music by paying for each download. This helped solve the problem of piracy, another goal that Steve Jobs pursued when creating iTunes. Artists received royalties for their songs’ downloads, and later singles and albums began to be exclusively published on iTunes for pre-listening.

With each update, iTunes functions expanded. In version 2, Apple added self-updating smart playlists, as well as support for audiobooks from And already in 2004 iTunes account holders got access to the Shuffle function for shuffling songs in a playlist and playing from a random song, as well as photo support and video support.

In 2005, iTunes added support for podcasts along with a huge directory of podcasts.

Therefore, over time, from a music player with an extensive library and music store, iTunes also began to transfer photos, videos, and later apps to portable devices across the entire Apple line: the iPod, the iPhone, which appeared in 2007, and later the iPad. All types of digital content were moved from desktop to pocket-sized devices through iTunes.

In 2007, Apple also launched Apple TV, and with the release of iTunes 8 and 9, the iTunes account holders had the opportunity to rent and buy movies and TV shows, buy e-books and download courses. The app continued to gain functionality to keep up to date. iTunes 11 added iTunes in the Cloud (that we know as iCloud), then it introduced the iTunes Radio. In 2015, when streaming services started to gain strenght, iTunes added the music streaming functionality through Apple Music. However, with each update the app became more and more chaotic and “sold” more and more with its design.

As a result, a few years later Apple Music and Apple Podcasts together with Apple TV became separate apps. And in 2019, iTunes decided to no longer update iTunes for new versions of macOS, starting with Catalina.

How to Use iTunes?

How to Use iTunes?

Apple doesn’t update iTunes, but despite this, you still have access to all its functionality on earlier firmware. Here is what iTunes account owners can do within the app in 2024:

  • Manage backups of their iPods and deployment of their iPhones.
  • Synchronize content with Apple devices over Wi-Fi.
  • Manage content library, as well as purchasing and managing video content for iPod/iPhone/iPad.
  • Stream songs from Apple Music.
  • Burn digital music files and Rip CDs.
  • Convert songs from one audio format to another.
  • Listen to Internet radio stations.
  • Download and manage podcasts or e-books.

You can still download iTunes from the official Apple website, and you can log into your iTunes account using your Apple ID. If you don’t have one, you can sign up for iTunes as a brand-new user.

Can You Create iTunes Account without a Phone Number?

Regardless of whether you want to register an Apple ID on Mac, Windows PC, Android-driven device, smart TV or others, along with email address, strong password and your device region, you will also need to enter a phone number for iTunes. Your e-mail address or phone number will serve as your new Apple ID.

Also, to ensure protection from spam accounts, Apple made user verification mandatory. To complete verification, you will also need either an e-mail address, a phone number, or both, depending on the device you are registering on. But if you’re not comfortable using your personal phone number or want to create a second Apple ID, you can use a temporary phone number.

What is a Temporary Phone Number?

Temporary phone numbers are a convenient service that doesn’t cost a fortune. Using them, you can bypass OTP verification on various platforms and applications from any country, regardless of where you are physically located.

To buy a phone number and receive a SMS, you don’t need to go to a provider’s office and reveal documents, as when you purchase a SIM card. Everything you need to do is to register on the platform or app. And this can be done from any device: you only need to enter an e-mail address.

There are quite a few platforms of this kind on the web that you can use to create iTunes account. But we recommend you use SMS-Man functionality. We issue virtual phone numbers from providers of 190+ countries to help you set up accounts without a phone number in 1000+ services and apps. So, temporary phone number is a practical way to protect your phone from spam or create multiple accounts at once.

virtual phone number from sms man

How to Create iTunes Account without a Phone Number?

There’s nothing difficult about it. To obtain a virtual number for iTunes registration and verification, just follow the on-screen steps:

  1. Open the registration form at, enter your email or log in via Gmail.
  2. Choose the most comfortable payment method such as a bank transfer (VISA), Payeer, Alipay, cryptocurrencies, and more. Add funds to your balance.
  3. Go to the “Receive SMS” tab, select the country of your mobile provider and find “iTunes’ among the supported services.
  4. Click the purchase button.
  5. Copy the number from “History” (located on the page below) and apply it to sign up for iTunes. Then request a verification code.
  6. Return to the SMS-man page, click “Receive SMS” and wait for the code to arrive.
  7. Apply it.

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