Today, one can hardly find at least one Internet project that is run without support via Telegram. Online stores, online exchanges, cryptocurrency exchanges, hype projects – all of them have their own Telegram channels or user support accounts on this platform. In many cases, Telegram fake accounts clone the ones belonging to popular services or companies so that to get money out of their users under false pretenses.
However, fake Telegram accounts are not used for fraudulent purposes only. Users often register such profiles to inflate statistics about subscribers, to troll acquaintances, or just to avoid disclosing their personal data on the Web.
In this article, we will tell you how to create fake Telegram profiles for any purpose without using a SIM card.
How to register Telegram fake accounts without a SIM card?
You can sign up for this service via a phone number only as you must receive an SMS with a code to it. Afterward, you must enter this code in the form on the messenger. Then, how can one create fake Telegram accounts without buying an expensive SIM card for each of them?
The solution is much simpler. The cheapest way is to use an SMS verification service. On the Sms-man website, you can buy a virtual number for Telegram for $0,10.
Such a virtual number receives messages identically to ordinary SIM cards, but it cost significantly cheaper. The only difference is that you will get and read an SMS in your personal profile on our website instead of the inbox on your smartphone. You can pay for the services provided by our source in dollars, rubles, and cryptocurrency.
How to buy a virtual number for a fake Telegram profile for $0,10?
- Open the service Sms-man and go to the registration page.
2. Enter your email and invent a password.
3. Choose the most convenient payment method and make a deposit.
4. Go to the list of services on the home page. Find “Telegram” and press “Buy” as it is shown in the photo below.
5. Now, you need to copy the number you bought.
6. Open Telegram and paste the number you bought.
7. At the next stage, the system will send an SMS with a verification code to a number specified. So, return to the page and click on the button “Get SMS”.
8. The code you need will be displayed in the SMS column, copy it and paste it into the messenger.
And, presto, the registration is successfully completed. You have managed to create a fully-featured fake Telegram account with a virtual number within a few minutes! If you need multiple profiles on this messenger, be sure to buy a separate virtual number for each of them. Even if you want to open 10 accounts, that will cost you just $1.

Vyacheslav is SEO expert at SMS-MAN. He also writes on virtual numbers and SMS verification issues on SMS-man Blog.
You can reach Vyacheslav at: