How buy JD Com things: how to save on online shopping?
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How buy JD Com products and save time and cost?

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It`s a Chinese marketplace in Internet that specializes in the sale of various electronics: smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart home appliances, fitness bracelets, smartwatches, quadcopters and other devices. Its key element is that it often hosts exclusive sales and presents goods that is is a saver of time and money, so you can order JD Com stuff.

For example, Chuwi brand sales are very common on that marketplace. This is a Chinese manufacturer of high-quality business gadgets and similar electronics. If you want to update an existing “technopark”, it makes sense to look for devices here. And we bring you up to speed on how to additionally save cost when you buy JD Com things.

Buy JD Com but don`t forget the customs limit

Buy JD Com but don`t forget the customs limit

It is very important to remember about the customs limit. If the purchase is too expensive, you need to pay a fee to buy JD Com stuff. It works for buying devices in Internet.

Since January 1, 2020, the duty-free threshold for entry is 200 euros and 31 kg per parcel. In case of exceeding the cost, you will have to pay a fee of 15% of the cost that is higher than this limit.

Let’s say you want to have a laptop that costs 300 euros. Then, upon receipt of the parcel, you will have to pay duty in the amount of (300-200) × 15% = 15 euros.

Use cashback services and order JD Com products

Many cashback programms work with platform of the site. The amount to be returned is not always high but okay. The cashback is usually about 2%, that is, if you order JD Com laptop for 300 euros, 6 euros will be returned to your account. A small but pleasant money, which will be enough to pay for the Internet or mobile phone for a month.

Choosing a cashback programm study the limits and rules. Pay attention some allow you to withdraw only amounts from $ 10, while the lower threshold for others is only $ 100. Also, study the principles of accrual. On many services, you have to wait for your cash back for a couple of months but when you order JD Com things the situation is different.

Buy JD Com things for best price

One of the important features of good shopping is leisurely. The parcel will go to you at best 14 days, and sometimes you have to wait one and a half months. As a result, it makes no sense to order JD Com goods that are urgently needed right now.

We have massive sales regularly. And therefore, the product that you liked may well be available with a discount of up to 30-50% in two weeks.

Take advantage of your status as a new client when you order JD com

It’s perfectly clear to everyone that we award all new customers with welcome discounts and bonuses. They allow you to save additional money when buying. Registration is done by phone number and email. Create a new e-mail address whenever you need one to order JD Com goods. And to create an additional e-mail is a matter of two clicks and if you have Google or Yandex e-mail box, so you don’t need to register additionally.

Order JD Com: Sneaky Ways to Save Money

Order JD Com: Sneaky Ways to Save Money

It can be much more complicated with an additional SIM card. But this problem can be solved with the help of the website, which provides SMS activation services.

On Sms-man you can buy a virtual phone number for registration on JD Com for 27 cents. It takes a few minutes. A virtual phone number costs significantly less than your new customer bonus, which you receive when you create an account and buy JD Com things.

Everyone knows that there are virtual numbers for registration in cashback services. Many of these sites offer a higher return on first purchases. You can save extra money by delighting yourself with a new high-tech gadget.
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Virtual number for sms verification
virtual number for JD Com
USD 0.27
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