How to create new eBay account if you have been blocked in 2022 - SMS-Man Blog
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How to create new eBay account if you have been blocked in 2022

new ebay account

We do use online marketplaces on a daily basis. However, even though those platforms seem undemanding to comply with the rules of use, it is common to see people want to, for example, create a new eBay account after an old one for some reason got blocked. Both sellers and buyers can face this problem. And there’s definitely nothing good about it. The blocked account is totally inoperable. So here usually comes the most important question about how to create a new profile? We will explain it in detail along with information about how to avoid blocking in the future.

eBay logo

Causes for block eBay buyer happen

A buyer account is safer than a seller one in terms of the chance of getting blocked. But still, there are a few reasons for block eBay buyer happen. Usually, it is one of the following:

  • Due to certain a restriction that a seller has made;
  • Suspected account takeover;
  • Repeated policy violations;

So it is pretty similar to the same situations with other platforms of that type like Amazon, Walmart, Wish, etc. Much more interesting is the situation with blocking the account of the seller which has more requirements.

Most common reasons why eBay block seller account

Unlike case with buyers there are much more causes for getting blocked with seller account. Holds, suspensions, or restrictions are most often applied to profiles due to one of the following reasons:

  • Providing fake or unverifiable account information;
  • Payment method requires update;
  • Having unpaid platform fees;
  • Needing to reimburse service for refunds made to buyers of the store;
  • Breaking other local rules or policies;

Summing up the above, running a seller account is not as simple as it may look. It requires following the whole set of different rules in order to sell goods without a hitch caused dealing with a blocking issue. But what to do if for one or another reason they were not followed leading to account loss? The virtual phone number for eBay provides a simple fix to this issue allowing to create a new and completely operable profile.

How to easily create new eBay account after getting blocked?

It is not always possible to restore an account. In this case, the only way to keep using one of the most popular marketplaces worldwide is to register a new profile. But since the original phone number is already bound to the old profile, it is required to get another one. With virtual phone numbers, it is not an issue at all. Here is a detailed guide on how to create new eBay account that everyone can complete:

1. Register at by completing a simple sign-up process.

2. Replenish the balance using a suitable payment method.

3. On the main page of the platform purchase a virtual phone number for eBay from the desired country.

SMS-Man virtual phone number for eBay

4. Open the registration page on eBay.

eBay account register

5. Enter all the required information and submit the form.

new eBay account register

6. Open account settings and put in received virtual phone number.

eBay sign up

7. Request verification text message.

eBay account verification

8. Click the “Get SMS” button.

SMS-Man virtual phone number for eBay

9. Finish setting up new profile with arrived code.

SMS-Man eBay verification code

This is it. Going this way everyone can register a new eBay account in a couple of minutes. Moreover, there are no quantity limitations. With that being said, even if somehow a new profile also gets blocked, there is no issue with creating another one following the steps from above once again.

Get a free virtual phone number for eBay registration

It is not necessary to purchase service. You can get it for free using our channel on Telegram. There it is possible to get a public virtual phone number that is suitable for completing registration on all the popular apps as well as the new eBay account creation process. Using it does not require anything but having a profile on Telegram in order to check the channel. So it is a pretty useful solution for those who cannot or do not want to pay for receiving OTP.

Tips to avoid eBay block in the future

There are a few simple steps that everyone can take in order to avoid a new eBay account getting blocked. First of all, when signing up, make sure to enter the correct information and up-to-date bank details. Also do not forget to follow the policy of use. Since the rules of the platform change often it is also a great idea to check them regularly to stay updated. In the case of sellers, it is also important to fully understand the seller defect system of eBay and not forget to check the dashboard from time to time in order to take action as soon as possible.

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