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Today Telegram is a worldwide popular messenger due to its reliability and data security. The history of its creation began in 2012 when the brainchild of Pavel Durov still had the name Telegraph and essentially was an improved version of WhatsApp. The creator of Telegram believed that WhatsApp had the disadvantage of not having servers that would store the history of messages – to save memory space it stored on users’ phones. This idea of improving was the key to the data security of today’s Telegram.
Does Telegram require a phone number?
To create a new Telegram account, you will need your phone number. This is intended to reduce the number of bots, scammers, and also persons who post explicit or harmful content. Although Telegram does not use end-to-end encryption and stores cloud data, linking one account to a single phone number is a simple and convenient thing.
Despite the high security of the popular messenger, many users still do not want to share their data with a third party.
In December 2022, Telegram released a new version that allowed registration without a SIM card. However, it is not as simple as it may sound. Only the phone numbers created on the basis of the blockchain are suitable for this. They can be purchased on the Fragment platform by crypto token TON. The cheapest number costs about 9-10 TON, which is equal to ~$16. More “unique” numbers cost much more.
It looks like users who want to keep their right to anonymity without investing too much are left without the options. But this is not the case. You can create a fake Telegram account using a virtual phone number.
Ways to create fake number for Telegram
To create a fake Telegram account, you can use the SMS verification service. This service provides the opportunity to get a virtual phone number and receive SMS without a SIM-card. All the physical equipment is stored in the company servers, and the user just gets access to it via the Internet browser.
There is two types of virtual numbers:
- One-time virtual number;
- Long-term rental of a virtual number.
One-time numbers are cheaper and you pay only for receiving SMS messages. The second is more convenient, because they are always on hand. But in the second option, you pay by subscribing for a certain period.
Registration in Telegram with the fake number passes as well as with the usual. You simply enter your data, and the confirmation code will come not to your mobile phone, but to the site of the service.
This service is available at Simple instructions will help you get access not only to the creation of a new Telegram account, but other social networks and messengers as well. Such as Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook and many more.
How to create a fake Telegram account
First of all, you need to go to and register your profile so that you can easily view and manage your purchases. Then decide which number suits you best – one-time or rent one.
To get one-time registration number you need:
1. On the main page open “Receive SMS” tab, then choose the country option and social network or messenger.
2. To buy a virtual number, click on the “Buy SMS” button right next to the selected service.
The one-time number will be automatically added to your profile on the site. There you can easily find the SMS with the confirmation code to register a fake Telegram account. Done!
To rent virtual phone number you need:
1. On the main page select the “Rent Number” section.
2. When ordering a number, you can choose the country and the period of number rental (the minimum period is one hour and the maximum – one month). When you have filled in all the necessary information, click on the “Rent” button.
The purchased number will be added to your profile where you will be able to view the received SMS. You can also cancel the subscription at any time. However, please note that the rent can only be canceled if at least 20 minutes have elapsed since the purchase of the number.
Vyacheslav is SEO expert at SMS-MAN. He also writes on virtual numbers and SMS verification issues on SMS-man Blog.
You can reach Vyacheslav at: