For developers

This is the section with API documentation for connecting your service to SMS-Man and automatic number purchasing.

Compatible API

API is the protocol of interaction between your software and our activation server. API is needed to automate sms receipt process on your side To work with API you have to use your API key, you can get it in your profile section, passing simple registration procedure. Our API is fully compatible with competitor websites.

API Protocol Description

All requests must go to POST or GET request. All requests must contain the API key in the form of the parameter api_key. All answers in json format

Balance request$api_key


Parameter Type Required Value
action String Yes getBalance
api_key String Yes Your API key


ACCESS_BALANCE:$balance (where $balance is the balance of your account)

Possible errors

Error Description
BAD_KEY Incorrect API key

Get current prices$api_key&country=$country&service=$service


Parameter Type Required Value
action String Yes getPrices
api_key String Yes Your API key
country Number No
Number country
service String No
Number Service



Possible errors

Error Description
BAD_KEY Incorrect API key

Get number$api_key&service=$service&country=$country&ref=$ref


Parameter Type Required Value
action String Yes getNumber
api_key String Yes Your API key
country Number Yes
Number country
service String Yes
Number Service
maxPrice Number No your desired value
currency String No RUB/USD/EUR
ref String No Pass the referral ID


$id - activation id
$number - phone number

Possible errors

Error Description
BAD_KEY Incorrect API key
NO_NUMBERS No numbers, try again later
NO_BALANCE Low balance

Get activation status$api_key&id=$id


Parameter Type Required Value
action String Yes getNumber
api_key String Yes Your API key
id Number Yes Activation id


STATUS_WAIT_CODE - pending sms
STATUS_WAIT_RETRY:$lastcode - waiting for code refinement (where - last, failed code)
STATUS_WAIT_RESEND — waiting for the resend of an SMS (the software should press resend the SMS and perform a change of status to 6)
STATUS_CANCEL — the activation is cancelled
STATUS_OK:$code — code received (where $code is the activation code)

Possible errors

Error Description
BAD_KEY Incorrect API key
NO_ACTIVATION There is no activation

Change the activation status$api_key&id=$id&status=$status


Parameter Type Required Value
action String Yes setStatus
api_key String Yes Your API key
id Number Yes Activation id
status Number Yes Activation status

Possible statuses

-1 — Cancel activation
1 — Notify that SMS is sent (optional)
3 — Request another code (free)
6 — complete the activation (if the status was "code received" - marks success and completes, if the status was "preparation" - deletes and marks error, if the status was "waiting for repeat" - translates activation to waiting for SMS)
8 — informs that the number is used and cancels activation


ACCESS_READY - number readiness is confirmed
ACCESS_RETRY_GET - waiting for a new sms
ACCESS_ACTIVATION - the service is successfully activated
ACCESS_CANCEL - activation is cancelled

Possible errors

Error Description
BAD_KEY Incorrect API key
NO_ACTIVATION Activation ID does not exist
BAD_STATUS There is no activation

Get list of all countries$api_key


Parameter Type Required Value
action String Yes getCountries
api_key String Yes Your API key


[{'id':0,'name':"Россия","name_en:"Russia"}, {'id':3,'name':"Китай","name_en:"China"}]

Possible errors

Error Description
BAD_KEY Incorrect API key

Get list of all services$api_key


Parameter Type Required Value
action String Yes getServices
api_key String Yes Your API key


[{'id':'vk','name':"Вконтакте"}, {'id':'wb','name':"WeChat"}, {'id':'tg','name':"Telegram"}]

Possible errors

Error Description
BAD_KEY Incorrect API key
BAD_ACTION Incorrect action
{{(userInfo.lang == 1) ? : country. name_en}}
logo {{service.title}}
